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Showing posts from May, 2017

Forest Haven revisited

I wrote a pretty detailed blog post three months ago when I first went to Forest Haven- you can read that here if interested.  I went back down there, this time only for about two hours and I revisited most of the same buildings I did the first time, but man, I don't know what it was but the amount of pictures I got this time are just mind blowing.  I'm obsessed with all of them and needed a place to dump them all.  The sunlight was just absolutely incredible. I'm already eager to go back. I've been in 10 of the buildings down - there's 22 of them.  And half of the ones I went to I could probably do again because there's just so much it see.  It's amazing.

Abandoned Church

Finding the best abandoned places usually tend to be an accident and this was no exception.  I've walked by this church countless times, and I've gone into it twice at night to try to explore but didn't get very far.  I went back today and everything was just so good.  Between the sunlight, the architecture, the company, the decay of the building, and all the leftover trinkets - everything was just perfect.  I keep thinking that one day I'll get sick of visiting these old dilapidated buildings, but every time I step into one I'm just overcome with so much appreciation for them.  Watching time stand still in a forgotten building while the rest of the world moves on will always be one of my favorite feelings My pictures aren't the greatest because my phone was dying so I was rushing through, but I can't wait to go back and take more.